The title of this family blog is derived from the meanings of our children's names. Azriel means GOD Is My STRENGTH, Avigail means Bringer of JOY, and Liberty means FREEDOM!...Then there's Esther, our youngest! This is a chronicle of our home life, our adventures, and our milestones.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Our Pink Fuzzy Wuzzy
Not the most attractive picture of Liberty but it's the ONLY one we got of her today! What a shame! She looked so cute in her little bunting.
Our Aspiring Farm Girl/Veterinarian!
Avi has looked forward to petting the farm animals since last year! She loves all God's creatures, GREAT and SMALL!
an am-AZ-ing feat!
Twice before in Az's young life he's stood in line to ride a pony and both times he's changed his mind at the last moment, just as it was his turn. It was quite traumatic for him! Anyhow, I was so proud of him because he actually got on and DID IT this time!!! He DID IT! I had such joy in my heart for him and I could tell that he was proud of himself for not turning back this time. I think that having his cousin, Jonah, riding the ponies at the same time helped a lot. of the special moments of the day as far as I'm concerned!
All YEAR this was anticipated!
Avi on a pony. She got to ride "RENO" again, same pony as last year. We let her go twice (like 20 min. total) since she'd been looking forward to this and talking about it since we went last year. She was SO happy to be up on a pony and was beaming with joy and pride! It was so special and worth every cent!
Tractor RIDE to the field of orange orbs!
My friend, Michelle in the lower LEFT corner, her son Erik, then all of ours (Borgeson's & Rauzi's) and David at the end~!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I am SUCH a slacker. Man Cold & Blister in the SUN
Ok, I'll admit to the fact that I have avoided posting here for a while. I wasn't intentionally avoiding it...more of a subconscious thing. I didn't really have time for a proper post so I didn't post anything at all. I am sorry to those of you who actually check this thing daily for news. I will TRY to be better!
Well, we are DONE with the house at 1117 S. Young. I can't tell you the total RELIEF Mark and I felt when we were there for the LAST time. What an absolute CHORE it has been to get that house and yard into the kind of condition I wanted it to be in to hand back to my cousin. Of course it NEVER would have been nearly so nice without the awesome help of my parents. It was a tremendous blessing to be able to rent such a nice house for the *almost* two years we were there for the GREAT deal my cousing gave us. It is much more of a blessing, though, to OWN a house again. Our own home. Wonderful!!! This is the first house Mark and I have purchased as a couple. The house out in Gold Bar I had owned for nearly 6 yrs before meeting and marrying Mark.
On to this new chapter in our lives together. HURRAY!!!
The kids have all had colds and it has literally been 3 weeks+ that there has been one or another of us ill with a cold. Mark had a very short MAN COLD but handled it extremely well. OK...since I mentioned the MAN COLD you HAVE to check out this link: (you'll have to cut and paste) It's SOOOO funny. Mom sent it to me. Just so you know, Mark got quite a kick out of it too. You know, us women...we're just hard chargers when it comes to sickness. Ha ha ha. Enjoy the laughs!
Apparently we are DONE for the moment with colds. Hopefully it will last a LONG LONG while. I will not hold my breath though.
Mark is working late tonight. He won't be home until after 9pm so it's just me and the weeuns at home and I do need to go now. It's coming upon bathy bathy time.
But WAIT! I have a silly blast from the past to share. Yesterday a song was just STUCK in my head. I have no idea how it got there but it was Violent Femmes song, Blister in the Sun. I know. It sounds just crazy. So I did a little You Tube search and played it and the kids loved the catchy little tune so we all danced around to it a few times. Then it got me thinking about the Ramones. I have NO idea why...but then who knows why our thoughts wander from thing to thing?! So I played "Rock and Roll High School" for us and we danced around to that. SOOOO FUNNY. I couldn't help myself. I DON'T miss the 80's at ALL...however, I do miss the music on occasion. Call me a weirdo if you will but I just can't help but like it.
On that note,
Well, we are DONE with the house at 1117 S. Young. I can't tell you the total RELIEF Mark and I felt when we were there for the LAST time. What an absolute CHORE it has been to get that house and yard into the kind of condition I wanted it to be in to hand back to my cousin. Of course it NEVER would have been nearly so nice without the awesome help of my parents. It was a tremendous blessing to be able to rent such a nice house for the *almost* two years we were there for the GREAT deal my cousing gave us. It is much more of a blessing, though, to OWN a house again. Our own home. Wonderful!!! This is the first house Mark and I have purchased as a couple. The house out in Gold Bar I had owned for nearly 6 yrs before meeting and marrying Mark.
On to this new chapter in our lives together. HURRAY!!!
The kids have all had colds and it has literally been 3 weeks+ that there has been one or another of us ill with a cold. Mark had a very short MAN COLD but handled it extremely well. OK...since I mentioned the MAN COLD you HAVE to check out this link: (you'll have to cut and paste) It's SOOOO funny. Mom sent it to me. Just so you know, Mark got quite a kick out of it too. You know, us women...we're just hard chargers when it comes to sickness. Ha ha ha. Enjoy the laughs!
Apparently we are DONE for the moment with colds. Hopefully it will last a LONG LONG while. I will not hold my breath though.
Mark is working late tonight. He won't be home until after 9pm so it's just me and the weeuns at home and I do need to go now. It's coming upon bathy bathy time.
But WAIT! I have a silly blast from the past to share. Yesterday a song was just STUCK in my head. I have no idea how it got there but it was Violent Femmes song, Blister in the Sun. I know. It sounds just crazy. So I did a little You Tube search and played it and the kids loved the catchy little tune so we all danced around to it a few times. Then it got me thinking about the Ramones. I have NO idea why...but then who knows why our thoughts wander from thing to thing?! So I played "Rock and Roll High School" for us and we danced around to that. SOOOO FUNNY. I couldn't help myself. I DON'T miss the 80's at ALL...however, I do miss the music on occasion. Call me a weirdo if you will but I just can't help but like it.
On that note,
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Mark on the blog-o-sphere…
Well this is a first…
I just wanted to thank all of you who have done so much to help us get to this point in our lives at OUR first house together. I’ll start backwards in my thanks which seems entirely appropriate based on the way I have lived my life. ;-)
To the Wheeler family who just headed back home today from helping put the rental house back together, thank you so much.
To my Mother who came last week to help us with the kids and in doing so did a great job as the Activity Meister, we all say thanks.
To Cameron, who sacrificed a weekend of sailing to help us in exchange for pizza and a sore back, thank you and we owe you one.
To Jim, Nick and Craig, who helped me in the mighty task of moving all our stuff, thank you because without the blessing of your help, we would still be moving all those heavy things.
To those of you who have been praying for us, it is only with His help that we are together and here today.
To my wonderful wife, who did (and does) far more than she realizes, my love and gratefulness always. Thank you. I look forward to many years here with you.
I just wanted to thank all of you who have done so much to help us get to this point in our lives at OUR first house together. I’ll start backwards in my thanks which seems entirely appropriate based on the way I have lived my life. ;-)
To the Wheeler family who just headed back home today from helping put the rental house back together, thank you so much.
To my Mother who came last week to help us with the kids and in doing so did a great job as the Activity Meister, we all say thanks.
To Cameron, who sacrificed a weekend of sailing to help us in exchange for pizza and a sore back, thank you and we owe you one.
To Jim, Nick and Craig, who helped me in the mighty task of moving all our stuff, thank you because without the blessing of your help, we would still be moving all those heavy things.
To those of you who have been praying for us, it is only with His help that we are together and here today.
To my wonderful wife, who did (and does) far more than she realizes, my love and gratefulness always. Thank you. I look forward to many years here with you.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
A bit chaotic at present BUT...
Here I am! We are IN the new house and trying to get it all in order but it's taking a while. Mom and Dad came Friday night and are staying at the old house until Monday and have been working on paiting and some cleaning there. What a blessing! What would I do without the help of friends and family? Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all who have helped us in our move. I know it is a big deal to leave your own life for a time to help out and we are SOOOO appreciative, beyond words.
The kids are sick. Mark took Az to the ER Friday, early AM. He was having such a time trying to breath while sleeping. I get worried about the children contracting things like RSV or Whooping cough and a host of other things out there. We have chosen not to vaccinate (or at least to DELAY vaxing) our children but there are lots of illegal immigrants where we live (and everywhere in the US...please PROTECT OUR BORDERS, Mr. President!) and who knows WHAT they have brought with them as far as diseases and whatnot. Anyhow, this time it was just a plain old upper respiratory infection with not idea whether it is viral or, of course, being the regular medical community they gave us antibiotics and a wonderful cough syrup which has been VERY helpful for nighttime breathing and sleeping. We try to see our Naturopathic Doc, Ginger, for most things but sometimes it is just more convenient to run to a walk in clinic or whatever. I find I will do this for the children because I just want to get them well as quickly as possible and, YES, sometimes I want them on antibiotics. Ginger will prescribe them if I want them and without judgement...but I guess I feel guilty for asking her for them. A bit of honesty here that I'm sharing with you, the reader! For myself, I try to go the homeopathic route more often than not before the medical route. I am still in a learning process of utilizing and trusting natural medicine and the body's ability to heal without modern medical interventions. Anyhow...Avigail got it too and we've had a couple rough nights with her. I've been giving her Az's cough syrup and just trying to keep the HIGH fever down. She's gotten to 104 a couple times and her's is staying above 100 even with Motrin and Tylenol. Az is back to below 100 and is definitely on the healing side of this. The really BAD news is that the baby is beginning to come down with it. She had the same hacking, dry cough a bit in the night. Please pray that she doesn't get this in it's full form. It's always so much worse when a baby is sick!!!
OK...enough sickness!
I would post pics of our home side by side with some of the pics of the house empty and then full. That would be cool. However, I can't find my camera, among other things! It will turn up soon and then I will get some pics up here for you all to see.
Condi, our dork dog, LOVES her doggy door. This house came with one and I thought it would be too little for her but she fits perfectly. It's so nice to not have to worry about making sure she gets out to relieve herself. She loves to be outside here...I think it's because she is choosing to go out and not being PUT out by us. She knows she can come back in as she pleases and she really likes that. What a shock it will be to here one day when we put on the inner door lock so she can't come back in. Wow...that sounds so cruel. Surely, though, there will be a time or two (like when people are visiting) that we'll want her to stay out back for a while. Poor dear!
Well, I need to go. Everyone but myself and Avi is sleeping. Avi is watching a Mr. Rogers show (Day at the Circus) out in the living room. I rented it from the library. We love Mr. Rogers here. Such wholesome goodness! Anyhow, our love to all the friends and family who may be happening to read this! More later and I will post pictures as SOON as I am able!
The kids are sick. Mark took Az to the ER Friday, early AM. He was having such a time trying to breath while sleeping. I get worried about the children contracting things like RSV or Whooping cough and a host of other things out there. We have chosen not to vaccinate (or at least to DELAY vaxing) our children but there are lots of illegal immigrants where we live (and everywhere in the US...please PROTECT OUR BORDERS, Mr. President!) and who knows WHAT they have brought with them as far as diseases and whatnot. Anyhow, this time it was just a plain old upper respiratory infection with not idea whether it is viral or, of course, being the regular medical community they gave us antibiotics and a wonderful cough syrup which has been VERY helpful for nighttime breathing and sleeping. We try to see our Naturopathic Doc, Ginger, for most things but sometimes it is just more convenient to run to a walk in clinic or whatever. I find I will do this for the children because I just want to get them well as quickly as possible and, YES, sometimes I want them on antibiotics. Ginger will prescribe them if I want them and without judgement...but I guess I feel guilty for asking her for them. A bit of honesty here that I'm sharing with you, the reader! For myself, I try to go the homeopathic route more often than not before the medical route. I am still in a learning process of utilizing and trusting natural medicine and the body's ability to heal without modern medical interventions. Anyhow...Avigail got it too and we've had a couple rough nights with her. I've been giving her Az's cough syrup and just trying to keep the HIGH fever down. She's gotten to 104 a couple times and her's is staying above 100 even with Motrin and Tylenol. Az is back to below 100 and is definitely on the healing side of this. The really BAD news is that the baby is beginning to come down with it. She had the same hacking, dry cough a bit in the night. Please pray that she doesn't get this in it's full form. It's always so much worse when a baby is sick!!!
OK...enough sickness!
I would post pics of our home side by side with some of the pics of the house empty and then full. That would be cool. However, I can't find my camera, among other things! It will turn up soon and then I will get some pics up here for you all to see.
Condi, our dork dog, LOVES her doggy door. This house came with one and I thought it would be too little for her but she fits perfectly. It's so nice to not have to worry about making sure she gets out to relieve herself. She loves to be outside here...I think it's because she is choosing to go out and not being PUT out by us. She knows she can come back in as she pleases and she really likes that. What a shock it will be to here one day when we put on the inner door lock so she can't come back in. Wow...that sounds so cruel. Surely, though, there will be a time or two (like when people are visiting) that we'll want her to stay out back for a while. Poor dear!
Well, I need to go. Everyone but myself and Avi is sleeping. Avi is watching a Mr. Rogers show (Day at the Circus) out in the living room. I rented it from the library. We love Mr. Rogers here. Such wholesome goodness! Anyhow, our love to all the friends and family who may be happening to read this! More later and I will post pictures as SOON as I am able!
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