Saturday, January 10, 2009

The kids put on a Christmas Play

I am always amazed at the infinite creativity of my children. Without any input or ideas from me they put on an entire play by themselves about the angel telling Mary she would give birth to Jesus (the son of God), Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the angel proclaiming the good news to the shepherds. They worked very hard at creating their set (atop Avi's bed) and Azriel played the angel telling Mary she would be with child, then Joseph, then the angel that appeared to the shepherds. They drew and colored the Star of Bethlehem, shepherds, and even wisemen. They used little sheep that they'd made MONTHS ago at a friends home as a craft. They put a lot of thought and effort into their production! Avi played Mary, of course, and she even "gave birth". This was a surprise to me and we all about died laughing after the birth scene, especially since they used Liberty's little plastic baby doll that had recently been in the tub. When Az pulled the baby up it had it's first potty, all over the bed. It was so hilarious and kind of ruined the spirit of the play but made it that much more memorable!
Hope no one finds the birth pictures offensive...

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