Thursday, May 15, 2008

The woodchip saga from finish to start.

As with all of my little photo stories this, too, begins at the end and ends at the beginning. Enjoy~!

Elisha moves on to greener pastures after he's decided he has enough woodchips on his person.
Liberty, not one to be left alone, crawls after him. Now, Miss Liberty CAN walk but I don't think her walking skills are quite up to the woodchip lot. However, can you imagine how difficult it would be to CRAWL through the woodchips in a dress? Hmmmm. Imagine a buch of adult women doing this. OK, don't. It's just ridiculous. It's late and I'm tired so I'M imagining weird things. YOU don't have to.
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1 comment:

  1. I did imagine it before you said not to. And it was a good laugh imagining all the fabric dragging through the chips.Not to mention the physical bodies. And its not even late.
